Plant you Oxygen!
A Chinese proverb says that: „The best moment to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best moment to plant a tree is NOW”. The project for planting trees of Oxigen Association is based on the motivation of finding out some figures:
- 1 tone of printed paper is the equivalent of 24 mature trees, while 1 tine of newspaper is the equivalent of 12 mature trees.
- the recycled paper covers only 7% of the production, while the rest of 93% is covered by trees.
- globally, the consumption rate for paper has increased six times during the 20 century and doubled as compared to the 1970s.
I think I have convinced you too why we need to plant more trees. Our project took place in Sinaia (Izvorul Rece Area), Saturday, on the 26th of March. The tools, the small trees and the instructions were given by the Ocolul Silvic Sinaia, led by George Vasile engineer. The labor force was offered by 55 volunteers of Oxigen Association that worked together with the people from Jandarmeria Montana Prahova. They have managed to plant 400 trees in a record time. We have surprised a little bit the representatives of the Ocolul Silvic Sinaia due to the efficiency and correctness of our work.
- Partners in this project are Romsilva and Inspectoratul de Jandarmi Prahova. The main sponsor is WarpSoft Distribution, due to the kindness of Viorel Micu. The complete list of the sponsors is: Aqua Carpatica și IQ Aqua, the sources of our hydration. we thank them all for their support!
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