Oxygen Organization invites you to breath your “oxygen” on the mountain
These days when the main focus of a nation is on the parliamentary elections, Oxygen Organization marks tourist trails and teaches children to become little rangers.
What is it all about?
Little Ranger of the Mountain Village. It is funded by Mol Romania and Environmental Partnership Foundation in the Green Spaces Programme.
In a few days, Oxygen team will leave for Măgura and Peștera – the only Romanian villages included in the area of a national park.
What are we going to do?
Monday , 18th of June: There will be 2 workshops with children from Măgura and Peștera schools. They will participate at a presentation on Piatra Craiului National Park, they will find out about the tourist potential of their villages, ecology and environment protection. Children will receive attending certificates due to their engagement in the activities. Participants at the training camp “Little Ranger of the Mountain Village” will be selected from these children depending on their engagement degree. In the same day, we will green and enhance the Bat Cave from Peștera.
Tuesday, 19th of June: Together with a team from Piatra Craiului National Park, we will place 6 tourist information boards on the thematic trail, The Story of the Mountain Village. The trail will have 10 km, the official marking sign of the trail is a sheep drawing. The official running time of this trail is 2h 30min – 3h.
Wednesday, 20th of June: We will mark the thematic trail that covers the area of Peștera and Măgura together with the 22 students from the two mountain villages.
Thursday, 21st of June: at the school award festivity, we will present the project “Little Ranger of the Mountain Village” with its benefits and significance of the activities to local communities of Măgura and Peștera. After this event, we will all leave for Curmătura Hut for the beginning of the training camp “Little Ranger of the Mountain Village”.
Thursday-Saturday, 21st-23rd of June: The 22 children will have the opportunity to experience a mountain trail. They will get to know and identify different law-protected species of plants, to discover the national park. Through interactive games such as workshop of plants and animals clay modeling, game on trees and rocks recognition, children will know the diversity of flora and fauna, the beauty of this geographical area and the fundamental need to protect it.
Sunday, 24th of June: We will set a press conference at 12 o’clock in Peștera. Its main aim is to present the results/effects of Oxygen Organization actions over the enchanted tourist area.
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